
Safe Schooling

Every school should follow COVID-19 prevention measures like masking and ventilation. Besides this, it is essential to opt for regular testing of both unvaccinated students and staff despite lacking any to protect school communities. Regular testing allows cases to be caught early before they can lead to the spread of COVID-19. This practice can also reassure the school community and inform policies based on a comparison of school case rates as compared to the community. Testing symptomatic children can also help students return to school faster.
Vaccines provide protection from getting COVID infection. However, not all the staff and students are vaccinated. Besides, not all students are vaccinated due to the lack of eligibility for it. In such a scenario, continued COVID testing would be powerful too to prevent transmission of infection.
There are different types of COVID-tests like:
  • Rapid antigen test, individual RT-PCR test and Pooled PCR Test with a reflex rapid antigen test.
  • Preparing to test.
1. Start learning about test types and testing options for your school by visiting Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools.
2. Prepare to test by getting ready to
  • Enroll and on board with a testing program
  • Obtain parental or student consent for testing as needed
  • Train staff to implement testing
  • Order tests
Schools may use one or multiple testing options at any time.
  1. Tracking of COVID-19
    Preventing Outbreaks of New Cases via Screening
  2. Responding to School
  3. Outbreaks
  4. Helping Keep Kids in School